Monday, July 1, 2013

Week 19

Pues I'm here writing in the Fairfield Public Library! New area, new people, new companion! Getting transferred was weird. I knew how to do missionary work in Napa, but here I have no idea! Elder Lopez is helping out a ton. He's such a great Elder. We're working hard here. Finding  finding, finding! We don't have any solid investigators right now. We're going to try and work through the branch though. We've got to gain their trust a little bit though. They're sort of prideful here! But it's a nice branch. Unlike Napa, which was all converts, a lot of people here were born into the Gospel. If they weren't they've been members for a long time and have a great gospel knowledge. They also wear correct clothes to church, which is nice! But we've got to find a good way to work with them. I don't think they see the importance of Member Missionary Work. Only a few people will come out with us. We also only have four missionaries here. Elder Lopez and I, and Hermana Witt y Hermana Billat. Hermana Billat is brand new to the mission.

Fairfield is so much different than Napa though. It's a big city, and ther is lots of crime. I remember in Napa people would tell us that we lived in the most dangerous part of town because there was a gang fight where we lived like 5 years ago. Here in Fairfield, that happened yesterday. WE live pretty close to the city hall and downtown Fairfield. Not too bad. It's not like Napa though. We've really got to search hard for the Latinos. It's also pretty big, but I feel like I'm learning at least the ins and outs of the town. It was 108 last week, and since I've been here there hasn't been a day under 100.

We did have a great experience the other day. There was a guy picking up beer cans on his front lawn and we stopped to talk to him. This guys was straight up Naco. He wasn't wearing a shirt, had "Mexicano" tattooed on his belly, as well as varios other Catholic/ Mexican tattoos. We said hi, and he said "Oh, Hermanos! Tengo muchas preguntas para ustedes! Sientense!" Se we sat down and talked to him about the Plan of Salvation and he understood everything. It was super great, and he was the nicest guy. When we were going to say a prayer, he told us to wait one minute and he put a shirt onto show respect. Such a cool guy! Hopefully something happens from that.

That's about it for Fairfield right now. I'll send some pictures next week when I bring my camera. I have a few from my last 2 days in Napa also.
Hope all is well in Salt Lake!
Elder Foster

1 comment:

  1. Great letter. He gave much more details the last two letters. New area and new adventures for him!
    He sounds happy and we are so proud of him!!!
