Saturday, July 12, 2014

Week 72

So to start off, I think it would be safe to say "No era penal!!!"
Haha it's all over Facebook right now. Hermano Cortez posts like 8
different pictures of it every day and even mentioned it in his
testimony yesterday.

So transfer doctrine came in yesterday. Elder Minkler is getting
transferred, that was expected though. He is going to San Rafael! My
new companion will be Elder Ford. He was in the MTC with Elder
Minkler. He's 26 (I think) and that's about all I know about him. I've
never met him. The best news- we're getting a car! The bad news- the
car that we are getting belongs to the Elders that we live with. So
they are going on bike and they are kind of ticked. Good news- Elder
V is coming here and I'm living with him! He's the Hmong Elder
(think Gran Turino) that I served around for 3 transfers in Fairfield.
And also Elder Jorgensen who is from Murray and worked at the Sam's
Club we shopped at. Elder Smith is leaving, and that makes me really
sad. I was there when we was born into Fairfield, and I served 2
transfers in Vallejo with home. Yesterday he bore his testimony in a
sacrament meeting and he talked about how much he loved the branch and
I started crying. I've seen Elder Smith change so much since he
started. He's going to Vacaville, and I'm pretty sure he and I will be
companions in the future (unless President knows how well he and I get
along. And how much we talk about comics and Pokemon.). I'm going to
miss him a ton. The day after he gets home he and I are going to the
Pie Pizzeria at the U. That's about it for transfers though. I'm
excited for a change, it'll be good.

So Adrian and Jackie- we taught them twice this last week. We went
over the baptismal interview questions with Adrian just so we could
have an idea of where he is and what to teach him. So the next few
lessons will be the Word of Wisdom, Tithing, and Follow the Prophet
(from lesson 4 in chapter 3 of Preach My Gospel if you guys want to
study it!). He's doing really well. They made us lunch on Wednesday
and she put cumin in the chicken. I almost died because I could only
think of Drake and Josh where they put cumin in the waffles and Josh's
dad is allergic to it. We also taught them on the 4th and he gave us a
ride home.

We picked up a family from Mexico City. Marco and Norma. They are
really cool, we just did some how to begin teaching points (chapter 10
Preach My Gospel) and we did like a little overview of the
Restoration, and we were going to leave them with that, but they had a
ton of good questions and they wanted us to stay and teach them so we
taught them and they are so solid. They said they would be baptized if
they knew it was true. They should come to church next week! They
didn't this week because of camping.

So now what you guys really want to know- how was the Fourth of July?
Well- it was lame. Waaaaayyyyy lamer than last year when we did the
barricades at the parade. We just weekly planned and them ate dinner
and then taught Adrian and Jackie. We had to be at the pad at 7 and so
we just chilled. The people below us were listening to music so we
just listened and we can see 6 Flags from our pad so we watched the
fireworks show from our apartment. Just like Halloween isn't Halloween
without Oingo Boingo, St Patricks day is weird without the Pogues, and
Christmas isn't right without the Vandals, the Fourth of July was a
little different because of a lack of good "stick it to the man" punk
rock. Where was the I Wanna Riot by Rancid? Where was the I'm So Bored
With the USA by the Clash? Well, seeing as I can't listen to that,
here are some punx scriptures

Ether 6:22-23
22 And it came to pass that the people desired of them that they
should anoint one of their sons to be a king over them.

23 And now behold, this was grievous unto them. And the brother of
Jared said unto them: Surely this thing leadeth into captivity.
Alma 59:13
13 And it came to pass that Moroni was angry with the government,
because of their indifference concerning the freedom of their country.
Alma 60:36
36 Behold, I am Moroni, your chief captain. I seek not for power, but
to pull it down. I seek not for honor of the world, but for the glory
of my God
Doctrine and Covenants 98:16
16 Therefore, renounce war and proclaim peace, and seek diligently to
turn the hearts of the children to their fathers, and the hearts of
the fathers to the children
Romans 14:21 (ok this is more straight edge)
21 It is good neither to eat flesh, nor to drink wine, nor any thing
whereby thy brother stumbleth, or is offended, or is made weak.

 Haha those scripture are pretty punx, but for real, being born and
raised has been a huge blessing. Even if I make fun of the culture and
stuff, I'm way more blessed than a lot of other people.

Well, I love you guys a ton. I'm glad you had a good fourth. I'll end
with two quotes.

"Hate is baggage. Life's too short to be [ticked] off all the time.
It's just not worth it."
Danny Vinyard

"I believe that The Lord is anxious to put into our hands inventions
of which we laymen have hardly has a glimpse... We shall use these
inventions...  to awake interest and acquaint the people of the world
to the truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
Spencer W Kimball

Think and pray about how you guys can use the internet to share the
gospel more. God will let you know how!

 Elder Mufosta

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