Monday, February 24, 2014

Week 48

One more transfer down! I'm moving onto my eighth transfer in the field! i can't believe it. 
So just a little info on what's happening with transfers- I'm staying in Woodland with Elder Sabin, still as a DL. Elder Alvarado is going to Vallejo, Elder Verdugo is staying here (for two weeks, then he goes home) with Elder Fonseca, and Elder Contla. In addition to that, the ZLs are changing from the Elders in our apartment to the elders in Davis. Which means- Exchanges in Davis! I'm very excited for that. The Hermanas in my district are staying the same. Also, Elder Wright is going to Santa Rosa as a District Leader! My son! He and I came out of our last transfer as way good friends. I'm so proud of him! 
This week... It was pretty crazy, I guess! We had two investigator families text us and tell us they weren't really ready to hear the lessons. One family I was ok with, but the other I'm way confused about. I need to text her back still and find out what's up, because they were solid. We'll see what happens. So pretty much our new plans are instead of putting backups for people to see, we will visit one person every hour, and then just pros walk or tract until the next hour if they are not there. 
One of our less actives is really frustrating us. His name is Fidel. He is always chasing after this other married member (also less active) who just leads him on. He needs to move on! But we saw them go into a taqueria, so we followed them in and then they bought us tacos. It was sweet. The Horchata there was just in buckets and you just scooped it out with a ladle. It was delicious. So even though he went there with the lame lady less active, we were happy.
The next day we had an appointment with this part member family. We went over to their house, and they weren't there. I was ticked. Then we went to a different investigators house and they weren't there. Then we went to a different less active's house, and he was not there. So, I'm pretty chapped by this point. I just wanted to go to the apartment and make some calls, because I thought it would be more productive. On the way there on our bikes, we passed Fidel's house. We decided to see if he was there. He was. We went in and started to talk to him. He told us that he though we had left 2 pros copies of the Book of Mormon in his house. That wasn't true, since I never carry English ones, but whatever, so we had them on the table. I felt prompted to say that Elder Sabin was going to share his favorite scripture, so I was like nah, but then I felt it again. So Elder Sabin starts opening up his scriptures, and lo and behold, Fidel's English speaking roommate walks out and says he felt like he should listen. Well, what do we have on the table, but 2 copies of the Book of Mormon in english! So we gave him one and pretty much taught him all about the Book of Mormon. It was sweet. The English  elders are going to start teaching him. It was sweet. So even though no one else was home, there was a reason! 
Ok so in addition to that, Hno Joel continues to say funny things. Yesterday it was "No uso el internet mucho. No importa en cual pagina este, siempro veo Find Singles in Your Area! Hijoles, ya encontre mi futura esposa, no voy a buscar mas singles in my area!" It was hilarious. I can't spell in spanish on the computer. Sorry! 
So that is what I have for you all today. It was a good week. I'm excited for a new transfer. I'm going to be putting in work!
Elder Foster 

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