Monday, December 16, 2013

Week 43

After 6 months being in Fairfield, I have now left to Woodland! It looks like they're just moving me along the Geographical line! 
So I guess I'll start off with my last days in Fairfield.
I have though a lot about the things that I have learned. I have learned how to love other people, even if it was hard to love them. Even the tool missionaries that I couldn't stand, I ended up loving them. I learned a ton of Spanish. I gained a lot of scriptural knowledge. Even though we had problems, Elder L and Elder W are friends for life. Even this last week I've been missing serving with Elder W. 
 We went around and said a lot of goodbyes. To missionaries, to members, and investigators that I had taught. We went and saw J. W. (AKA "G West on the HOOOOD" As Elder L would say), Brother F, the O family, and many others that I might not have written about. I think the most important goodbye was the goodbye of the D family. It was probably one of the hardest things I have had to do on my mission. For the few months that I had taught them, I truly learned to love them. I love them like I love family. They are a family to me. I know, 100% and without a doubt, that I came to this mission, that I came to Fairfield when I did, and stayed as long as I did, to help that family enter into the covenant of baptism. They are so special to me, and to the Lord. I gave them the scriptures, and they said to thank you. They thanked me for making the decision to serve a mission, to come to them, and to learn a new language in order to help them find the Gospel. They gave us thank you cards and wrote me a letter. I plan on writing them every month until I go home. I don't think that I can fully express into words what that family means to me. When we got into the car to go, I had to make Elder W drive, because I couldn't hold in the tears anymore. 
Well, after that somber note, I will change the subject! President called me (4 days late, might I add) to be a district leader. So that will be fun. The members of my district are elder A, V, and S (my new comp) And Hermana L (who Sammie knows) and Hermana F (from Spain. Directly.). So that will be fun. Pray for me on my district meetings! 
Elder S is from Federal Way Washington. He loves planes, trucks, and guns. His Spanish is good, and he went to BYU for a year. I think President Alba sent me here with him because I know what it's like to be with Elder A for a transfer, and he wants me to repair the damage. 
Also, I am in YOLO county. There is a bus called the YOLOBUS. And so that's cool. 
The branch is cool. There are lots of youth. Lots! A good change. President P is super missionary minded. 
We are driving a 2014 Corolla with 500 miles. 250 were used my first day here, so we will be using bikes A LOT. It is the hottest area in the mission during the summer, but it's cold right now. I am always wearing a sweater or a jacket. ALWAYS. 
The water is gross in Woodland, so I am buying 3 gallons of water a week and recycling the bottles. You would too if you were here. 
There are also tons and tons of Hispanics here. A good change of pace. Our area is awesome. 
Well, that was the week. I will send you some pictures! 
Elder Foster

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