Monday, December 16, 2013

Week 40

So this week was a fantastic week!
We were slammed with a lot of rain and doors this last week. And it was cold, too. So lots of sweaters, lots of coats, and some wet garments.  It was nice though, it has only rained here twice since I've been in Fairfield. It was a good change!
This week, we have had some great food. Last monday Hermana D made us some enchiladas, and they were so good! We are eating with them again tonight. Such a great family! They seem like they have been members for 100 years. We also ate posole, and you can't beat posole. Especially on a rainy week like last week. Also, with our branch food coordinator we ate some chiles from her garden. I might have shed a few tears. Or a lot of tears. It didn't hurt my tongue too bad, but my throat was on fire. I was tender the day after, too.
Also, I made a wonderful discovery. At 711, they have Game Fuel!!! The exact same kind as last year! I took the first sip and got a little trunky! I remember band practice with Matt and Tyler. We were fueled off of that stuff and burritos. I almost cried.
Speaking of Soda, I'm pretty sure I'm losing weight because of soda. I know that sounds weird, but hear me out. When I was in college, I drank a lot of soda. A lot. And I was skinny. Really skinny. Then I came out on my mission, stopped drinking soda, and gained 30 punds. But! I have started drinking soda again, and I have lost weight. Coincidence? I don't think so. Elder Wright thinks it's because of the protein/ nutrition powder I've been drinking for breakfast insted of eating cereal, but I think he's crazy. I might right a book called "How Soda Changed My Life: A study in the effects of soda on weight loss" By Dr. Foster and I will send you what will be my on the back cover.
Also, this week, I have seen more punx than I have seen in the last 9 months of my life! I saw a guy wearing a Leftover Crack shirt on Monday, then when we were going to do service, I say 2 guys with vests with patches, and then I saw a different guy with a Dead Kennedys shirt! And every time, we had to go to a meeting/ service or something I couldn't talk to them! What the heck???
We went to the temple this week. It was wonderful! We went with Brother A, whose brother is a member of the 70. Brother A was the head chief of security in the temple for 23 years, and everyone there knew him. EVERYONE. It was awesome.
While in the chapel, I read a part of D&C 88 63:67-78 or something like that. It really touched my heart and helped me know what more I have to do to become a better missionary.
When we left the temple, it was raining. The way the temple looked with the rain was really cool. I will send you a few pictures.
Hermana D was called to give her testimony. She shared her conversion experience. She talked about how when Elder Lopez and I walked in we carried a peace and she felt the Spirit. And how she was grateful that Elder Wright and I would learn Spanish in order to bring her family the Gospel. They are such a special family. Of everyone in Fairfield, I will be sad to leave them.
On Thanksgiving we are going to play Football for 90 minutes. After that, we are going to rake leaves until dinner at 2. After dinner, we will continue visiting families from the branch. It should be a good day. I'll send you some pictures. 
So I think that that about covers the mission this week. I am trying to think if I left anything out. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!
Elder Foster

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