Do you remember that Even Stevens where Louis has to wrestle a girl, so he tries to bulk up by eating chocolate, but then it all goes to his butt and it's huge, but then that part is just a dream? Well I got a package from Chloe and I'm pretty sure one day I'll wake up and look like that.
But on another note, it's been a great week! I've been reading the Book of Mormon, I want to try and finish it this transfer (The transfer ends this Sunday!). I finished the book of Mormon (the book that he writes inside the Book of Mormon) today! It was awesome. It's really sad though just how messed up the Nephites got. But in Chapter 7, 8, and 9 there are some great promises! And some sweet parts about the Great Apostasy. I just though that the whole thing was really cool! So now all that I have left is Ether, which is one of my favorites, and the Moroni. So I think I should be able to do it! Also, this is all in Spanish. But it's so true! The Book of Mormon (the whole thing, not Mormon's book inside of the big book) is so true! There is no way that you could read it all the way through and deny that it is true! It literally has the power to make people believe in Jesus Christ!
We have also been teaching the D. family. This week we went over with the Single Branch Elders and they taught the kids while we taught E. and L. the Law of Chastity, which they had already been living, and which their daughter B. had also been living even before the missionaries taught it (which is so cool for people her age!). Then we ate with them. L. made homemade tortillas, chorizo, carne asada, salsa, crema, queso freco, chile, oh it was so good! And before we left they gathered all the family together and told us that they had a surprise... They decided as a family to be baptized on the 8th of November!!! I can honestly say that I don't think that I have ever been happier in my life. The love that I feel for this family.. I love them like they are my family! I never though that would be possible, but it's so amazing! And E. and L. (the parents) told me that they want that I baptize them!!! It is awesome.
We also went to a party with our former investigator O., the gangster. We stayed for two songs of the band that he hired while we were eating, but we had a Family Home evening planned at the church and so we left. As we were walking, he came out (no imaging the most cholo, George Lopez/ Nacho Libre voice that you can imagine) "Heeeey, where you going???" It was Or. "Tenemos una reunion con unas familias en la iglesia" I told him. "Ok, pero sabes que, we're going to go check, and if no one is there, we are going back to the parties!" So we're start walking and he says "Ok, I believe you, but if no ones there, yous all coming back, ok??" "Ok O, we swear!" "No swears me! But you better come back to the parties tonight!" It was so great.
Thank you for all the love and support! I love you all!
Have a good week!
Elder Foster