Monday, May 20, 2013

Week 13

Wheh! Another week gone by.
So I think the best way to start this email would be the worst day of my life as far as exercise goes. So we had to go to the Stake Center from our apartment, which is about 40 minutes from our apartment. After, we went over by church on Chapel Hill for dinner, which is not only the worst hill ever, but another 40 minute bike ride. Then we had to go see President Ceballos, who lives over by the stake center. A half mile from his house, we saw him in his car, and said he was going back the Chapel Hill church. So we went all the way from over by the stake center back to Chapel Hill (worst hill to ride a bike on ever) to meet him. All in all, it was over 30 miles of biking and I was exhausted. This was all still with Elder Alvarado.
But, the good news, is I have a new companion! His name is Elder Hansen. He really is awesome. He only has one transfer left, but he's so excited to work here and his enthusiasm is contagious. He is always ready to talk to people and it's just been so good. We contacted 27 people on Saturday, which is alot considering we don't get out of the apartment until 1. He's really awesome. I kind of have to push him in our studies, but he's willing to work always and is helping me out a ton. He's actually training me! Which is a change. This is what I was expecting my mission to be like. It's hard, but we're always doing good work. This is also the first area he;s been in that is a bike area.
We're still working with Hortencia, we have a lesson with her today so  we'll see how that goes!
Oh and as far as success goes, I had the best day of my mission on wednesday! It was after Elder Alvarado left and before Elder Hansen came in. I was with Elder Payne, and I got a text from a less active named Jesse. It said "Hey guys I'm coming back to the church, will you come visit me?" And without getting into too many details about his life, he recieved answers to his prayers and it was just awesome! He's 22, and in my favorite family in the ward. I was just so excited!
So this is good. We're doing good things here in Napa!
Love, Elder Foster

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