Monday, April 21, 2014

Week 58

March 31

Week four is done! Only two more weeks this transfer. It was a pretty crazy week. Out of the whole week, I only had one day where I had the full day to work in my area.

Monday was P Day. We went out with Joel from 6:30-8:30 and it was awesome. We had a family home evening with Hugo and his kids. They're doing really well! Coming to church, moving right along.

Tuesday was district meeting,and then I went to Davis with Elder Mair. It was awesome. They live with 2 other Elders from Davis who pretty much teach all of the Chinese people there. Elder Or is from Hong Kong, speaks Cantonese, Mandarin, and is learning English. Elder Chia is from Singapore, and speaks great English and speaks Mandarin Chinese. They made curry and rice for lunch, which according to them tasted very authentic, so props to you guys back home. It tasted just like your cooking! The first time I have had anything like that in forever. We worked in Davis all day, and at night Elder Or cracked me up. He called Elder Walker and when he answered, Elder Or said "you a fat Idaho potato!" To which Elder Walker replied "Elder Or! What did I do to you?" Elder Or, in a stroke of genius, responded with "You a fetching muffin top!" Needless to say, it was a fun night.

On Wednesday we.... Went to Sacramento!!! Yes, we left mission boundaries. Elder X just became legal, which means that he had to get his social security card. So we went to Sacramento to go turn in all the papers. It was way fun. I also had a wiener dog in my lap the whole time. Unfortunately.

On Thursday he and I had to do baptismal interviews for some people who got baptized from the branch. Well, it was supposed to start at 7, but really it didn't start until like 740, and they were talkers so Thursday night was done.

Friday we had to weekly plan and then we went to the baptism after dinner. We gave the missionary moment. We taught a lesson after to Ceci, who is Marylyn's daughter.

And Saturday I finally had a whole day to work! We picked up a new investigator. I'm not sure if he will remember it,seeing as he was drunk, but it was a good lesson.

Land then Sunday, between church, a stake meeting, dinner, and the leadership meeting, we didn't even get to go out for 5 minutes to contact. Oh well. Despite all of that, we still managed to get 20 contacts 3 days of the week. On Saturday we got 20 contacts in like 90 minutes. Knocking doors works! It was a good week though. Lots of good personal revelation in my studies and lots of fun when we actually got to go out. It stinks being DL and not being able to do all of the stuff that we should normally do. But así es.

We are probably dropping Alicia, the old lady investigator. She's not progression and not doing her part to come to church or anything. Daniel is doing well. We dropped Veronica, but picked up a couple that we are teaching in English. The lady is the daughter of a member of the branch. So it was a good week. We have a few other investigators we are teaching. But those are the main ones on our focus list right now.

Love you guys! Miss you lots. Have a great week!

Also, one more thing. I hear that Noah was awesome from a less active, but awful from the branch president. Have you seen the Lego Movie? And also, go see The Wind Rises. It's supposedly a great Hayao Miyuzaki movie. Ok bye guys! I love you

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