Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Week 30

I feel like I'm all messed up numbering these emails. But I've got some crazy information!
So the area got split. Like we knew. But, like we didn't expect, I got Fairfield Spanish East! Which is technically where I was before, but we never worked on the East side too far. So I've got like 10 former investigators to work off (compared to like 100 from before) and about 10 members. Essentially, I'm opening an area. not entirely, but like 80%opening up an area. I will also be training. Elder Lopez is leaving to Roehner Park, coming into Spanish Central is Elder Garrity (A stud missionary) and he will also be training. So things are getting shaken up here!
SO another thing. Lupe G. messaged me on Facebook saying she did baptisms for the dead! I have honestly never met anyone as cool as she is. I will be there when she gets endowed for sure!
Ok now for the craziest story I might have ever sent...
So picture that you're Elder Camper. He was serving in Navato 4 months ago, and is AP now. When he was serving in Navato, he me a girl named Brenda D. He went on Facebook and found two, didn't know which one he talked to, and added both. Go back about 3 weeks- Elder Camper went to Del Taco in Fairfield after exchanges here with our ZL's. The lady helping him said "I think you added me on Facebook." He replied "Uh, I'm pretty sure I didn't." She then said "No, look, you're Elder Camper, you're right here on my Facebook." Starting to make sense, he replied "Oh I see, yeah I must have added you." Seeing that he is a missionary she said "I'm starting to think it's not a coincidence that you're here right now."
So long story short, she's Spanish and going to the Singles Branch. But, as coincidence would have it, her family is also super interested. Elder Lopez and I rode with the Single's Elders to their house to teach the family. They came to church and have a baptismal date! So I hope that all made sense. It's a miracle!
Also, we had a baptism for the Sisters' investigadora. I spoke on the Holy Ghost, and Brother West said that I looked like a professor. Maybe I should teach when I grow up.
Also, the guy next to me smells like Marijuana.
But that's it! I love you! Sorry that was a long letter. I'll let you know abou my greenie next week!!! Love you!
Elder Foster

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