Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week 85

This week was awesome! And this next one is going to be great, too. We're going to have a baptism on Saturday and we have TONS of sweet lessons set up. We also have exchanges coming up with the Zone Leaders on Tuesday. I'm going with Elder Ashton, I lived with him my last transfer in Vallejo and I love that guy. He's from Pleasant Grove and he goes home with me. I'll definitely be hanging out with him when we get home. I'm stoked for that. This next week has a rainy, rainy forecast. To start off, Crescent City has the best P Days in the mission. Last P Day we went bowling as a district and played pinball in the bowling alley. Afterwards Elder Payne and I went to a place called Enderts Beach. It's a sandy beach with a cliffy, rocky backdrop. As we were hiking in I felt like I was in the Legend of Zelda or even Xenoblade Chronicles. It didn't even feel like real life it was so beautiful. At the beach there are tide pools, and we saw lots of crabs and anemones. And we even saw start fish! Which was cool since I didn't even know they are up here in CC. So that was a way cool P Day. Today we are going to Stout's Grove again since Elder Payne hasn't been. 

Another reason why I love CC is the food. I don't mean he food from dinner, but for example, we have 2 dozen eggs from the members we ate with last night- the eggs came from their backyard chickens. We also have a gallon of milk from the dairy that one of our investigators works at. We get apples from trees and it is really cool. So this morning I had steak and eggs.

On Tuesday we had to drive to Eureka (bye miles) for Zone Conference. It was really good. President talked a lot about using all of our tools, not just the ones we are comfortable with and keeping them sharp by practicing them daily in comp study and in daily proselyting. And for the kicker- we got to watch Meet The Mormons! It was surprisingly good! I thought the beginning was good, they showed a lot of pop culture stuff about Mormons, my favorite being the one where the aliens from the Simpsons (kang and kodos? I can't even remember their names. You guys can just disown me now) knock on the door and Homer says "ugh it's the Mormons." Of course when it comes to the Simpsons, they have at least 10 references that they could have used, my favorite of which being when Bart rides on a sled through the Mormon church and comes out with 8 wives. Well anyway, it was really good. The missionary mom part was touching because I'm a missionary, and the Costa Rica part was cool because she was from Costa Rica. I don't really know how much appeal the film would have had to me had I been a non-member, but you never know! It was still cool, and not too preachy. 

On Wednesday we are on bikes since President wants us to share the car. Brother Olson was going to pick us up for dinner and we got back to the apartment about 30 minutes earlier than expected. Since it takes 20 minutes to even get into our Ward boundaries on bike, we decided that we would just bike to the harbor and contact. Well, wouldn't you know it, the very first family we see has a guy wearing a BYU jacket, I thought that it was just a family from another Ward until they started talking to us. They were from Sweden! They went to Salt Lake for conference, visited Yellowstone, and now were here for the redwoods! So they asked "can a we a take a picture?" And so of course we said yes and so now I'm probably out there on someone's facebook with my bike and our backs to the ocean with a nice Swedish family. 

We had a cool double dinner with the Olson and Barrett family at the Olson's home. It was way fun, we had some incredibly Americanized tostadas. Afterwards, everyone went outside to do a zip line in the backyard. It was about 30 feel high. Now we weren't going to do it, however Darryl Barrett coaxed us into it and it was pretty fun! Crescent City is just helping me conquer all my fears. Heights, natural waters, mountain lions, spiders. I guess you could say that I'm a man now or something. Well anyways, after the zip line we went inside and had an awesome lesson on the Word of Wisdom, everyone participated and it was really cool. Grace is getting baptized on Saturday! We are all really, really excited. She's super excited, too. All of her family is coming from Alaska. I'll send pictures next week! Pray for her!

Jonah's baptism was delayed. He passed the interview, but we'll be waiting until the 25th. 

On Saturday we re picked up Sophie! She's doing well, we set up some expectations for lessons and stuff. She said that she still wants to learn the lessons from us, and she still has a few more to go anyway. That way if her mom says she's ok to be baptized we could potentially do it the next day. We had the lesson in the park across the street from our apartment, and then after she and Sister Olson brought us hazelnut hot chocolate from Starbucks, and it reminded of when dad used to take us there on the cold days when we picked Kate up from swim team! Well anyway, it was really good since it was cold and windy.

On Saturday we had a great finding activity set up for us at the front street park, right across the street from our pad. It was called the "Annual Wild Rivers Coast Car Show" or something like that. Well anyway, hundreds and hundreds of people, lots of beautiful old cars. I even heard some Stray Cats playing, which was really cool. Anyways, I didn't see my orange 69 GTO, but there were cool camaros and fastback mustangs and we talked to lots of nice cool people. Not too many interested in the church, but a lot of guys came up to us and asked us what church we were from, and then the usual "Oh, I have a good friend who is LDS! Keep up the good work guys!" It was pretty fun! 

We also found a cool new apartment complex to tract and 75% of the people there are Spanish! We are hoping good things come of it. We have been tracting and contacting and teaching all week, there has never been a dull moment here, but of all of the potential investigators we have found, half are Spanish speakers so that's way cool, there is Spanish work to do here. We plan to be showing the Zone Leaders how busy we are with both English and Spanish and how necessary it is to have a Spanish area up here, because it's just ridiculous how much is going on, we are too busy. Ok maybe too busy doesn't sound good to say as a missionary, but it's hard to balance. 

I'm almost done with the Book of Mormon for the 3rd time in Spanish, I should finish this week and I will let you guys know how that went. This morning I read one of the most punk scriptures in there, Ether 6:22-23. I'm in Romanos in the bible right now. 

Well, I love you guys! Have a great week! 

Sent from my iPad

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