Sunday, March 23, 2014

Week 56

Happy birthday Day! I'm sorry you can't have corned beef and cabbage, but I'll let you know next week what I eat. As far as the Mexican life here, the best thing I ate was probably homemade pico de gallo. You can't beat it. Also, fresh horchata twice which was awesome. I also ate like the last three inches of a Serrano (the hottest part) just to show off. It was hot, but sabes que, I didn't even shed a tear.

Our first full proselyting week of the transfer! It's been a good week. Working hard, hitting the pavement, and pounding doors. We found a really cool new family, the V. family. They have a 7 year old daughter named Alejandra. She hardly speaks English since they just barely came from Mexico, and the parents on,y speak Spanish. They're looking for a church to go to! He has a lot of questions about the trinity and Saints and stuff, but they're looking pretty good. We are working pretty close with this young, unmarried couple that has a baby. They're pretty cool. So pretty much with them and Veronica, we have three people that we're teaching in English. But the rest is pretty much all Spanish. And Elder Teran and I talk in Spanish all the time. It's super nice having a companion I can actually talk to in the mission language.

We had Stake Conference yesterday. President Cuvulier extended and ivitation to all the members
1- invite a less active member or non member to come to church, an activity, nconference, or a baptism etc.
2- perform a temple ordinance for a deceased relative
Both of these can be done by all four of you guys! So get to work and go do it!

Also, thank you so much for the Girl Scout cookies! Samoas are the best. I remember eating them in the MTC, which I can't even believe was a year ago. Time flies.

I had to translate in stake conference. I translated one talk Saturday night, and a different talk Sunday. You know how they always talk about how right when they needed it, the gift of tongues came and they spoke perfectly? Yeah, not Saturday night. It was awful. I was so nervous and forgot all of my Spanish, I swear. The guy who was in charge of tech looked at me like I had an IQ of .008. But on Sunday it was way better. I just closed my eyes, listened to the talk, and said what he said but in Spanish. Way better on Sunday.
Everyone told me I did a way good job.

So things are good! The mission is going great. One of the things that I loved studying was on page 32 of the Spanish Preach My Gospel it talks about Ammon and Aaron teaching about God. I compared how they did it to what Preach My Gospel says in the God Is Our Loving Heavenly Father principle. It was a great study. You guys told me you were going to be studying it. How is that going?
Keep reading and praying!  Love, Elder Mufosta

Elder Foster

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