Saturday, August 24, 2013

Week 24

Do you remember that episode of Even Stevens where Louis is in love with that attractive cheerleading coach? He decides to become a mascot to impress here, but one day he goes into her office and she's shaving her unibrow and it just throws him off and he can't think about anything elder but the unibrow, but he still becomes a great mascot? I feel like that's kind of like missionary work.
Anyway, the baptism never happened. There was a youth dance, and wouldn't you know it, Satan tempted more pepole toget married and now there's a wedding this coming saturday!!!! We are going to see if we can do thebaptism in the Rio Vista River here. Beause it's ridiculous! I should probably repent for being frustrated. But she passed the interview, and she's good. So we'll see what happend with her.
I don't know what happened to our cholo Ortega! I feel like he disappeared off the face of the Earth. It's not just like he's not answering the door, his phone is off and the lights are never on in his house, and I never hear his roosters crow. I have no idea where he is! But we'll find him.
We are teaching the dad of a member here. He's 87 and a Paisano. He's pretty hard to teach because all he likes to do is talk about his life in Mexico, which is pretty much talking about all the fights he got into in Elementary school and it's just weird but he's really cool. We really want him to get baptized.
We're teaching a giant group of middle aged women on a certain street. 3 of them aged 30-40. I feel like most people I end up teaching are women, I don't really know why, it just happens. When Elder Hansen came to Napa, all of our investigators were women. I have no idea why! Here it's like 3/4 are women. They are just more receptive, or maybe they're not out working when we tract before lunch. Either way, that street was super awesome. Half were Mexican Testigos de Jehova, but the half that weren't Testigos were really receptive. So hopefully in a year that street will be 50/50!!! We'll see.
We're kind of running out of places to find Fairfield isn't necesarily a Spanish Hot Spot (for saying that, I'll get sent to Fort Bragg), we have to really search for places. A lot of the people in the branch are older and not willing to do missionary work, but we'll break them into it.
This week was a little slower. A lot of finding, contacting, and tracting. We did 3 family home evenings, so that was fun!
Pray that we'll find some solid families!!!
Love you and miss you!
Elder Foster

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